Battlestar Galactica: Razor
Adama and his flight lead, Banzai, engage in bloody dogfights against Raiders as Operation Raptor Talon commences all around them in orbit of an ice planet. During the battle, the battlestar Columbia is pummeled from basestar salvos and is subsequently destroyed. Adama then spots two Raiders entering the planet's atmosphere. Out for revenge, Adama engages the two. He shoots down one in the high altitudes. Inside a cloud, he suddenly collides with the other and falls to the ground in his disintegrating craft.
Does \"Razor\" more fully \"humanize\" Helena Cain I suppose that depends on your definition of human. Yes, she's human in that she is deeply flawed and at least has feelings and realizes that her humanity is being stripped away. But her ability to make such amoral choices is chilling. She feels she has no choice, but does that justify her position Cain has a telling speech to Shaw, which ends, \"This war is forcing us all to become razors, because if we don't, we don't survive, and then we don't have the luxury of becoming simply human again.\" An argument like that plays like the opposite of Adama's question in the miniseries where he asked if humanity was worth saving.
In a groundbreaking first, fans of Battlestar Galactica will be able to vote for their favorite DVD packaging of the Battlestar Galactica: Razor Unrated Extended Edition, which will be released by Universal Studios Home Entertainment on December 4, 2007. The website will display a selection of three choices for fans to cast their votes starting tomorrow and continuing to 12 AM midnight Pacific Standard Time on September 7, 2007. The final selection will be posted on the site on September 14.
Any army would be so lucky to have someone like Admiral Helena Cain. Someone who will do what others can't. Someone who will do whatever it takes to win. As shes says. To win you must become a razor. 781b155fdc